Monday 2 February 2009

Let it snow ,let it snow!!

This is the wintery scene that I woke up to this morning .. from my bedroom window. The heaviest snowfall in the U.K. for at least 18 years. Can't wait to go tramping across the fields while it is still clean and fresh!!


  1. ooooh, I'm so jealous! I haven't seen snow for years....(I'm lying actually, I saw snow in New York last year, which sounds fairly glamourous)but I haven't seen snow settled on the ground. I would much prefer that freezing cold to this heat. Enjoy it, you don't know how lucky you are xx

  2. Love the blog Crafty Lady. English Rose has insisted that I not be a "lurker" and thus I am now one of your followers.

    Your pics are a clear argument against global warming, although last Friday we had our second hottest day on record.

    Imagine being able to bake a cake by simply by placing the mixture outside...
